Scientists collect a variety of water resource data, including surface water and groundwater information, to understand trends.
Protecting Florida’s wetlands (a story map)Data, Monitoring and Investigations
The Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team is developing a single reference source inventory of regional monitoring data to support of Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) technical and regulatory activities.
The team will:
- Develop and maintain an inventory of available hydrologic, environmental, and other pertinent data and investigations in the region
- If approved by the Steering Committee, investigate the feasibility of developing a web-based portal that enables users to access available data and investigation reports from the different sources responsible for collecting and producing this information in the CFWI
- Establish minimum standards for future CFWI data collection, including data collected to meet regulatory requirements
- Inventory investigations and data collected in support of the other technical teams
- Identify areas of insufficient or potentially redundant data collection
DMIT status of work – FY 2021 -FY2025
- DMIT map – site by type and status
- DMIT map – site by monitored resource
- DMIT site table (key for maps)”
- DMIT site and well status table”
- DMIT Hydrogeologic Work Plan Update for FY2020- FY2025
(February 2020) - DMIT Hydrogeologic Work Plan Update for FY2019–FY2025
(January 2019) - DMIT Hydrogeologic Work Plan Update for FY2018–FY2025
(April 2018) - DMIT Hydrogeologic Work Plan Update for FY2016-FY2020
(July 2016) - Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team Hydrogeologic Work Plan for
(February 2015) - CFWI DMIT minimum standards (January 2018)
- CFWI DMIT Map Viewers
- CFWI Regional Monitoring Program: Summary Report (June 2014)
The Data Management and Investigations Team (DMIT) report represents an effort to compile a listing of water management district, state and local utility databases to identify inactive, active and proposed hydrologic monitoring that might be utilized for future environmental evaluations. The report also outlines options for consideration in future monitoring. It should be noted that as new information becomes available to the DMIT that implementation of the future monitoring options outlined in the report would benefit by updating the associated Inventory and Attachments to address the most recent information. - Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team CFWI inventory
- Google Earth database for the Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team CFWI inventory
- Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team fact sheet