Central Florida
   Water Initiative

Water for Tomorrow
Data Collection Monitoring

Scientists collect a variety of water resource data, including surface water and groundwater information, to understand trends.

Protecting Florida’s wetlands (a story map)

The Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team is developing a single reference source inventory of regional monitoring data to support of Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) technical and regulatory activities.


The team will:

  • Develop and maintain an inventory of available hydrologic, environmental, and other pertinent data and investigations in the region
  • If approved by the Steering Committee, investigate the feasibility of developing a web-based portal that enables users to access available data and investigation reports from the different sources responsible for collecting and producing this information in the CFWI
  • Establish minimum standards for future CFWI data collection, including data collected to meet regulatory requirements
  • Inventory investigations and data collected in support of the other technical teams
  • Identify areas of insufficient or potentially redundant data collection
DMIT status of work – FY 2021 -FY2025