Upcoming meetings
February 24 — Lake Prevatt MFLs — Peer Review Draft Public Meeting
The St. Johns River Water Management District (District) will hold an in-person and online public meeting to kick-off the peer review of the draft Lake Prevatt MFLs report. At this meeting the District will present an overview of the draft MFLs determination and assessment for Lake Prevatt, in Orange County; this presentation will start at 10:00 a.m.
After the presentation, there will be a site visit at Lake Prevatt. People who wish to attend the site visit must provide their own transportation. The site visit is subject to cancellation or may be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Lunch will not be provided. People who wish to bring lunch should do so, and a 30-minute break can be taken during the site visit. One or more members of the District’s Governing Board may attend this meeting.
The purpose of establishing MFLs for Lake Prevatt is to protect this priority water body from significant harm due to groundwater withdrawals. Lake Prevatt is located within the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) area.
- WHAT: Lake Prevatt – Peer Review of Draft MFLs Report
- WHEN: February 24, 2025; 10:00 a.m.
St. Johns River Water Management District
Apopka Service Center
2501 S. Binion Rd
Apopka, FL 32703https://tinyurl.com/Prevatt_SJRWMD
Microsoft TEAMS meeting ID: 255 630 497 890
TEAMS meeting Passcode: Rh6gu3D3 - For people who cannot attend via TEAMS, the following call-in number information is provided:
Conference call: phone:(386) 256-1151 (ID: 493 932 19 #)
Establishing MFLs is an important component of the District’s work of planning for adequate water supplies for today and for future generations while also protecting the District’s water resources. Visit www.sjrwmd.com/minimumflowsandlevels/ for information about MFLs. Please direct any questions to Andrew Sutherland at asutherl@sjrwmd.com.