Central Florida
   Water Initiative

Water for Tomorrow
Magazine frontpage

Alternative Water Supply Projects Within the CFWI Receive State Funding

The State, in coordination with the water management districts, has provided cost-share funding from the fiscal year 2023–24 grant funding cycle for four alternative water supply projects within the CFWI area.

Magazine frontpage

2025 CFWI RWSP Technical Methods Workshop Provides Behind-the-Scenes Look at Data and Modeling Tools

The CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) Work Group held a virtual technical methods workshop April 25. During the workshop, staff discussed the technical data and modeling tools being used to support the 2025 CFWI RWSP.

Stormwater harvesting graphic

St. Johns River Water Management District Champions Stormwater Harvesting

The St. Johns River Water Management District is championing stormwater harvesting to help meet future water needs, fostering interagency collaboration to address the challenges and requirements involved.

Magazine frontpage

WISE Program Supports Water-Efficiency Projects in Polk County

Learn about how the Southwest Florida Water Management District's Water Incentives Supporting Efficiency (WISE) Program is helping Polk County implement water-saving projects.

Magazine frontpage

April is Water Conservation Month in Florida

April is typically one of the driest months of the year and when water demands begin to increase. As a result, local governments and water management districts have declared April as Water Conservation Month.

Magazine frontpage

Successful Kissimmee River Headwaters Revitalization Schedule Open House Meetings

The South Florida Water Management District hosted two open house meetings about the Kissimmee River Restoration Project’s Phased Implementation of the Kissimmee River Headwaters Revitalization Schedule.

Magazine frontpage

CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan Technical Methods Workshop Scheduled

The 2025 CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) Team will be holding a virtual technical methods workshop April 25. The workshop will cover the technical data and modeling tools anticipated to be used to support the 2025 CFWI RWSP.

Magazine frontpage

Polk Regional Water Cooperative’s Southeast Injection Well Project

The Polk Regional Water Cooperative’s Southeast Lower Floridan aquifer wellfield will help create a sustainable water supply for Polk County’s future.

Magazine frontpage

CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan Team Presents 2025 CFWI RWSP Overview and Schedule

The CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) Team held a virtual public meeting in October to present the 2025 CFWI RWSP overview and schedule.

Area map

CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan Team Requesting Stakeholder Input on Water Supply Options

As part of the CFWI 2025 Regional Water Supply Plan, the water management districts are requesting input and updates from stakeholders in the CFWI Planning Area on water supply options.

Pink Pipes

Cost-Share Funding Available for Water Resources Projects

The St. Johns and South Florida water management districts are now accepting applications for 2025 cost-share projects.

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Cherry Hill Direct Potable Reuse Pilot Project Ribbon Cutting

Polk County and Southwest Florida Water Management District leaders recently gathered for a ribbon cutting of the Cherry Hill Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Pilot Project. Watch this video to learn how this innovative pilot facility will test the development of recycled water for long-term water supply planning in Polk County.

Stormwater pipe

2025 CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan Team Public Meeting Scheduled October 13

The 2025 Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) Team will hold a virtual public meeting Oct. 13 to communicate the status, overall conceptual intent and process for the 2025 CFWI RWSP.

Stormwater pipe

Polk Regional Water Cooperative Receives WIFIA Loan for Alterative Water Supply Projects

The Polk Regional Water Cooperative (PRWC) recently received a $305 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to develop alternative water supplies.

Stormwater pipe

CFWI 2025 Regional Water Supply Plan Update and Schedule

The 2025 CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan continues to move forward as a collaborate effort between water management districts.

Stormwater pipe

Peer Review of Recommended Minimum Flows to Begin for Horse and Charlie Creeks

An independent, scientific peer review of recommended minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek will begin this month.

Stormwater pipe

Southeast Lower Floridan Aquifer Wellfield

Learn how the Polk Regional Water Cooperative’s Southeast Lower Floridan aquifer wellfield will help create a sustainable water supply for the Central Florida Water Initiative region.

Stormwater pipe

Polk Regional Water Cooperative

Learn how the Polk Regional Water Cooperative, located within the Central Florida Water Initiative region, implements strategies to meet long-term water demands through sustainable supplies, conservation and protection of natural resources.

Stormwater pipe

CFWI 2025 Regional Water Supply Plan Draft Population Projections Released

The Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) draft population projections were released in February for review by stakeholders and CFWI RWSP team members.

Stormwater pipe

April is Water Conservation Month in Florida

Local governments and water management districts have declared April as Water Conservation Month. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Water Conservation Month in Florida, with a focus on leak detection.

Stormwater pipe

New Wetland Data Available on CFWI Website

The CFWI Data Monitoring and Investigations Team has been monitoring wetlands and collecting data in the CFWI planning area since 2016. Data collected over the past eight years is now available on the CFWI website.

Stormwater pipe

Working to Expand Water Conservation Efforts

In partnership with water management districts and utilities, a regional approach harnessing the Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM program can provide quantifiable water savings.

Stormwater pipe

Aquifer Performance Test at Polk County Monitor Well Site

An aquifer performance test is underway at a monitor well site in Polk County to help determine if the lower Floridan aquifer is a viable alternative water resource to meet future water needs within the Central Florida Water Initiative region.

Stormwater pipe

Alternative Water Supply Projects Within CFWI Receive State Funding

The State, in coordination with the water management districts, has provided more than $9.9 million in cost-share funding for nine alternative water supply projects within the Central Florida Water Initiative Area.

Map of CFWI area map

Enhancing Conservation Education in Polk County

Several utilities in Polk County have taken part in the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Conservation Education Program to enhance residential outreach focused on water conservation.

Map of CFWI area map

New Florida Water Star Campaign Kicks Off 2023

A new Florida Water StarSM (FWS) social media campaign has begun in portions of the Central Florida Water Initiative. FWS is a water conservation certification program for residential, commercial and community developments.

Map of CFWI area map

Updated Wetland and Groundwater Monitoring Site Maps Available

The CFWI Data Monitoring and Investigations Team recently posted updated monitoring site maps on the CFWI website.

Map of CFWI area map

Citrus Growers Save Money by Partnering with Water Management Districts

Cost-share programs offered by water management districts in the Central Florida Water Initiative region help reduce financial barriers for growers interested in adopting water-friendly growing practices.

Map of CFWI area map

Progress Being Made on Cypress Lake Lower Floridan Aquifer AWS Project

Cypress Lake is a multijurisdictional Lower Floridan aquifer alternative water supply project being developed by the Water Cooperative of Central Florida.

Map of CFWI area map

Well Site Exploring Lower Floridan Aquifer

There are nearly 200 well sites that collect data within the CFWI. Learn how a well site in Polk County is exploring the Lower Floridan aquifer as an alternative water supply source for Central Florida.

YoutTube link

Map of CFWI area map

Polk Regional Water Cooperative Moves Forward with Two AWS Projects

The Polk Regional Water Cooperative received the green light to move forward with two Lower Floridan aquifer alternative water supply projects to help meet the regions water needs.

Map of CFWI area map

Scientists Work Together on Wetland Monitoring Program

Scientists from three water management districts come together to set up wetland monitoring sites in Central Florida. The scientists are part of the CFWI's Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team, made up of staff from the Southwest, St. Johns and South Florida water management districts.

YoutTube link

Map of CFWI area map

ECFTX Groundwater Model Updated

The expanded East-Central Florida Transient (ECFTX) groundwater model was recently updated to make the model a more suitable tool for regulatory decisions and improve the model performance.

Map of CFWI area map

Polk Cities Adopt Florida Water Star Ordinances to Maximize Conservation

Many municipalities in the Polk Regional Water Cooperative have adopted ordinances requiring new homes to meet specific water efficiency criteria.

Map of CFWI area map

CFWI 2025 Regional Water Supply Planning Effort Kicks Off

The Central Florida Water Initiative Regional Water Supply Plan team held its first virtual meeting to kick off the 2025 planning effort.

Map of CFWI area map

April is Water Conservation Month in Florida

In an ongoing commitment to ensure the public’s water needs are met, local governments and water management districts have declared April as Water Conservation Month.

Map of CFWI area map

Lower Floridan Aquifer Cost-Share Projects Help to Lessen Impacts to Water Resources

The St. John’s River Water Management District is collaborating with local utilities on cost-share projects involving the Lower Floridan Aquifer to help lessen impacts on water resources.

One Water Florida logo

New Campaign Highlights the Benefits of Recycled Water as Future Resource

One Water Florida is a new initiative to highlight the benefits of recycled water and how it will safely supply Florida's future. Recycled water is part of the state's plan to be more sustainable, diversify its water sources and protect the environment.

Map of CFWI area map

Lower Floridan Aquifer Cost-Share Projects Help to Lessen Impacts to Water Resources

The St. John’s River Water Management District is collaborating with local utilities on cost-share projects involving the Lower Floridan Aquifer to help lessen impacts on water resources.

Map of CFWI area map

Meet the CFWI Steering Committee

The CFWI Steering Committee oversees the CFWI process and provides guidance to the technical teams and technical oversight/management committees.

Map of CFWI area map

Central Florida Water Initiative Rules Ratified

The new Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) rules for consumptive use permitting in the CFWI region have been ratified by the Florida Legislature and signed by the Governor.

Map of CFWI area map

Conservation a Key Strategy for Reducing Demands in Polk County

The Southwest Florida Water Management District and Polk Regional Water Cooperative are partnering to implement conservation strategies in Polk County.

Greenhouse filled with plants

Central Florida Conservation Projects Help a Greenhouse, Utility Customers Save Water

Two water conservation success stories in the St. Johns River Water Management District include irrigation upgrades to a 31-year-old greenhouse operation in Orange County and Seminole County Utility’s implementation of a trio of water conservation programs.

Kissimmee River aerial view

Kissimmee River Water Reservation Will Conserve Water for Fish and Wildlife

The Kissimmee River and Chain of Lakes Water Reservation will conserve water needed for the protection of fish and wildlife.

Regional water supply plan cover

2020 Regional Water Supply Plan Approval Kicks Off Utility, Local Government Requirements

The approval of the CFWI 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan kicks off certain statutory requirements for utilities and local governments.

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Polk Local Governments Adopt Florida Water Star Ordinances

Local governments in Polk County are adopting Florida Water StarSM ordinances to help meet the county's growing water demand.

Regional Water Supply Plan Nearing Completion

The Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) is nearing completion and final approval. The RWSP Team will bring the final draft of the 2020 RWSP to the CFWI Steering Committee for approval October 28.

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Protecting Florida Wetlands

The CFWI is working to protect Florida's wetlands, which play an important role in keeping our environment clean and healthy.

Photograph of pipes

Learn More About the CFWI

The CFWI is a collaborative water supply planning effort among the state’s three largest water management districts, and the Florida departments of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and Consumer Services. Watch a video to learn more.

CFWI Rulemaking Schedule Extended

In response to requests for additional time to review the Draft CFWI Rules and Handbook, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is extending the submission date for written public comments until Sept. 24, 2020.

Water Conservation Projects Within the CFWI Receive Cost-Share Funding

The CFWI Steering Committee approved funding for five projects through the Water Conservation cost-share program.

CFWI Rulemaking Workshop Scheduled

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has scheduled an initial rulemaking workshop for Thursday, July 9, to present new draft rules for consumptive use permitting in the CFWI region.

Regional Water Supply Plan Update

Strong public interest shown as CFWI 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan moves through review process.

Reminder to Register for CFWI Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan Public Workshop Webinars

Stakeholders and the public are reminded to register for one of the upcoming public workshop webinars to learn more about and comment on the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP).

CFWI Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan Public Workshop Webinars Scheduled

Two public workshop webinars have been scheduled for stakeholders and the public to learn more about and comment on the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP).

CFWI Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan Available for Review and Comment

Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Draft 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) is now available on the CFWI website for review and comment by stakeholders and the public.

Reminder to Apply for Central Florida Water Initiative Cost-Share Funding for Water Conservation Projects

The deadline to apply for Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) cost-share funding for water conservation projects is March 27, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Apply now for cost-share funding

Applications are now being accepted for a cost-share funding program to support the implementation of water conservation projects within the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI).

Meet the CFWI Steering Committee

Meet the CFWI Steering Committee. The Committee oversees the CFWI process and provides guidance to the technical teams and technical oversight/management committees.

Modeling Results are Used to Develop Planning-Level Groundwater Availability

Recent groundwater modeling results for the CFWI have yielded new insight into central Florida’s planning-level groundwater availability over the next 20 years.

Next Steps: Developing the 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan

CFWI teams are on schedule to complete the 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP). The RWSP will identify existing and projected water needs, as well as future projects and funding sources.

Skip a Week of Irrigation

Residents are encouraged to skip a week of irrigation during the cooler months of January and February to help conserve water.

Mt. Dora’s Regional Approach to Reclaimed Water

A new reclaimed water pipe between the cities of Mt. Dora and Apopka will help to conserve water throughout Central Florida, benefiting groundwater supplies across the region.

CFWI Wetland Monitoring Site 2019

Scientists from the South Florida, Southwest Florida and St. John’s River Water Management District’s came together to set up a wetland monitoring site at Pasture Reserve in Lake County as part of the Central Florida Water Initiative’s wetland monitoring program.

Exploratory Well Drilling Project in Polk County:

An exploratory well drilling project is underway in Lakeland to explore the use of the lower Floridan aquifer as a source of water supply. This project is part of the Polk Regional Water Cooperative.

Regional Water Supply Plan to Identify Water Needs Over the Next 20 Years

Identifying existing and projected water needs as well as projects and funding sources to meet those needs over the next 20 years is the focus of the upcoming 2020 Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP).

April is Water Conservation Month in Florida

April is traditionally one of the driest months of the year and the peak demand season for public water use. In an ongoing commitment to ensure the public’s water needs are met, local governments and water management districts have declared April as Water Conservation Month. Residents within the CFWI and throughout the state of Florida can participate by being mindful of water use in their daily household activities.

Well Construction Site in Polk County (video)

A new aquifer monitoring well is being constructed next to Dinner Lake in Polk County. An important area for recharge and establishing minimum flows and levels, this well site will provide beneficial information for water use models in the future.

Deadline Approaching to Submit Central Florida Water Supply Project Options

The Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) is working collaboratively with the region’s utilities, water users and local stakeholders to identify water supply project options to help meet our water supply needs, now and in the future. One piece of this effort is the creation a new list of potential projects to meet water users’ needs, which will be included in the upcoming 2020 CFWI Regional Water Supply Plan.

New Funding Opportunity for Conservation Projects

The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) has launched a new 50 percent cost share reimbursement program to support water conservation projects Districtwide. Known as WISE, the Water Incentives Supporting Efficiency program will award applicants up to $20,000 to implement projects that help reduce water use and protect the region’s water resources.

Project Completed to Update Groundwater Model

A recently completed project by the Hydrologic Assessment Team (HAT), a sub-team of the Water Resource Assessment Team (WRAT), will mean better data and improved confidence in future groundwater model applications involving the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI).

Meet the teams behind the CFWI

The work of the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) hinges on collaboration to help meet future demands for water in Florida. Several committees and teams help maintain the collaborative focus required to implement effective and consistent water resource planning across five counties in central Florida.

CFWI’s Top Accomplishments of 2018

CFWI completed many exciting projects and initiatives in 2018 in a collaborative effort to address central Florida's water supply needs. Watch a video to learn more.

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Call for Projects to Help Meet Florida’s Water Demands

Projects will help manage the region’s water supply needs by providing water to meet a variety of needs, like public supply, agricultural, commercial and recreational, all while sustaining Florida’s water resources and related natural systems.

Photograph of a pring flowing out of a small cliff side

Collaborative Water Supply Planning with MFLs

It’s an early morning at Wekiwa Springs State Park in Orange County as a group gathers to discuss the area’s surrounding waterways: the Wekiva River, Wekiwa Springs, Rock Springs and Little Wekiva River. Along with stakeholder groups, water managers planned this public meeting as part of the process for developing minimum flows and levels (MFLs) for the four water bodies, which are part of the Wekiva Basin and within the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI).

Mulberry Adopts New Ordinance Based on Florida Water StarSM

A new ordinance in the City of Mulberry, based on Florida Water Star℠ (FWS) standards, is helping to ensure water needs are met in the booming Polk County area.

Public workshop Aug. 16 will address Wekiva Basin MFLs in the CFWI area

The St. Johns River Water Management District will hold a public workshop to discuss the peer review of Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs) for water bodies within the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) area. This workshop will include discussion of surface water model peer review plans for MFLs water bodies within the Wekiva Basin.

Scientists Work Together to Set Up Wetland Monitoring Sites

Scientists from three water management districts are working together to set up wetland monitoring sites as part of a regional monitoring program in Central Florida. The scientists are part of the Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team, which is made up of staff from Southwest, St. Johns and South Florida water management districts. Watch a video about this process.

Watch the Weather, Wait to Water

Residents who irrigate their lawns are encouraged to take advantage of the summer rains and “watch the weather, wait to water.”

Central Florida Planners Are Looking for Regional Water Supply Solutions

The St. Johns River, Southwest Florida and South Florida Water Management Districts are working with stakeholders and other interested parties to develop an updated 2020 Regional Water Supply Plan for the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) region.

Water School Educates Polk Leaders

Leaders from across Polk County recently participated in the two-day Polk County Water School to learn about the water issues affecting Polk and the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) region.

Planners deploy high-tech projection tools

Water planners have two new tools that may make forecasting water needs easier, more consistent and more accurate.

Save Water Outdoors for Water Conservation Month

April is Water Conservation Month. This month is traditionally one of the driest of the year and marks the peak demand season for public water suppliers.

Skip a week

District Asks Homeowners to "Skip A Week" of Irrigation This Winter

With the cooler temperatures this week, the District is reminding residents who irrigate their lawns to “Skip a Week” or more of watering during the cooler months of January and February.

Water Management Districts, State continue collaboration to secure Florida’s water supply

The Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) estimates central Florida will need an additional 250 million gallons of water per day by 2035 to meet the demands of a growing population.

Irrigation spray head

CFWI Focuses on Saving Water Outdoors

Ensuring that central Florida has the water it needs is at the core of the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI).

CFWI Projects Taking Shape Throughout Region

Drilling more than half a mile below ground to find new sources of water in the Lower Floridan aquifer (LFA). Finding new ways to reuse reclaimed water. Combining stormwater and reclaimed water to build a sustainable supply.

Reclaimed water pipes

CFWI focuses on collaboration with utilities to extend water supply

Built on the concept of collaboration, the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) works with the area’s 83 utilities to scale water conservation efforts and promote alternative water supplies for a growing population.

Scientists Complete Second Year of Wetland Monitoring Program Setup

Water management scientists have completed a second year of setting up wetland monitoring sites as part of a regional monitoring program.

The project is part of the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI), a water planning effort among government agencies, water utilities, environmental groups, business organizations, agricultural communities and other stakeholders in a five-county area.

The scientists are part of the Data, Monitoring and Investigations Team, which is made up of staff from the Southwest, St. Johns River and South Florida water management districts. This ensures that all water management districts are using the same methods.

The goal is to set up a total of 107 sites across the CFWI area by 2020. As part of the second year, staff recently set up monitoring in six wetlands in Polk County.

The process is grueling fieldwork, which involved trekking by foot into remote areas in the summer heat.

“Because the fieldwork is so difficult, I think of it as an adventure challenge,” said Kym Rouse Holzwart, who has been leading this effort for the Southwest Water Management District. “It is a privilege to be involved in setting up this important regional wetland monitoring program and a great opportunity to collaborate with the other water management districts.”

The monitoring sites will help the CFWI team develop and maintain an inventory of available hydrologic, environmental, and other pertinent data and investigations in the region. To learn more about CFWI, visit CFWIWater.com.